Value and Ethics Important Topics ESE Prelims Paper-1

ESE Prelims Paper-I Exam Preparation

"Ethics and values in Engineering profession"
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⦁ Factors to make ethical judgement
⦁ Ethical Skills
⦁ Types of powers, coercive, legitimate, reward
⦁ Ethical issues affecting professional and personal life of an engineer
⦁ Morale, cohesion, leadership, communication
⦁ Attitude, behavior & Trust in an Organization

⦁ Code of ethics for Engineers
⦁ Conflict of interest
⦁ Nepotism
⦁ Legal vs Ethical

⦁ Convergence theory of social change
⦁ Patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret
⦁ Professional negligence, offense, malpractice
⦁ Engineering Ethics
⦁ Discloser of unethical behavior
⦁ Attributes of a profession
⦁ Qualities of professional practitioner
⦁ Patent Act 1970
⦁ Whistleblowing

⦁ Difference between professional and amateur
⦁ Professional ethics
⦁ Ethical principle of beneficence
⦁ Utilitarianism
⦁ Degree of safety in professional ethics

⦁ The rights theory, duty ethics theory, rule utilitarian theory, act utilitarian theory
⦁ Ethics of care
⦁ Principle of loyalty
⦁ Natural Justice
⦁ Integrity
⦁ Hootch and Bootlegging
⦁ Prohibition law on unethical practices related to liquor
⦁ Food adulteration rule
⦁ Ingenuity
⦁ Responsiveness to business issues
⦁ Moral Truths and pluralism

⦁ Eco critical approach
⦁ Responsible experimenters
⦁ Moral values
⦁ Virtues for responsible professionalism
⦁ Davis eight moral tests
⦁ Carroll's four-part model of Corporate Social responsibilities
⦁ ILO declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work
⦁ Business Ethics

⦁ Human Values and its perspective
⦁ Notions and beliefs about manner, taste and customs
⦁ Customs and traditions
⦁ Morality vs ethics
⦁ Work ethics and dimensions
⦁ Objectives of professional ethics
⦁ Civic virtues
⦁ Spirituality in work places
⦁ Carol Gilligan and Kohlberg theory on moral development
⦁ Duty Ethics theorists
⦁ Normative Sense of Engineering Ethics
⦁ Moral Norms of standard of Behavior
⦁ Applied Ethics vs Ethics

⦁ Types of moral judgement
⦁ W D Ross Basic duties or obligations, prima facie duties
⦁ Michael Davis, common sense morality, moral theories
⦁ Engineering Judgement, liability of Engineer
⦁ Utilitarian Approach
⦁ Black Laws Dictionary
⦁ Evolutionary Theory
⦁ Transparency and consumer awareness

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